(烹调食物时)在…上覆以面包屑( breadcrumb的名词复数 );
Fry the breadcrumbs until golden brown.
辞典例句Stir together breadcrumbs and milk and add to meat mixture.
互联网Using for vegetable and fruIt'salad, deep - fry foods or daub breadcrumbs.
蔬菜沙拉,水果沙拉, 油炸食品,面包涂抹.
互联网Put breadcrumbs, garlic and rosemary into bowl. Mix well to make filling.
面包糠 、 蒜茸、露丝玛莉香草同放碗内, 拌匀作馅料.
互联网Did you use breadcrumbs if you have a large amount of pages?
你是否在包含了庞大数量的页面站点中,使用了面包屑型的结构帮助用户返回 呢 ?
互联网Mother brushed off the breadcrumbs and smoothed out the cloth.
互联网Stir in breadcrumbs and set aside.
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