When it comes to soft drinks Coca-Cola is the biggest selling brand name in Britain.
柯林斯例句The program saved $11 million in 1988 by substituting generics for brand-name drugs.
柯林斯例句Q : What will happen to the Blizzard brand name?
互联网Ghali popular brand, name recognition and reputation go hand in hand.
加利品牌深入人心, 知名度与美誉度并驾齐驱.
互联网Branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name.
互联网Every brand name and trademark has a separate patent.
互联网Hank is a very fashion - conscious person. He only buys brand - name clothing.
汉克是个非常注重时尚的人. 他只买名牌的服饰.
互联网Like recycled ones, these are much cheaper than brand - name products.
跟回收墨水匣一样, 这种也比有品牌的产品便宜得多.
互联网A famous factory's brand - name Western - style clothes give expression of a winner's manner.
互联网Brand name is an important signal for consumers to recognize the products.
互联网Brand name Amaryl ; an oral medicine used to treat type 2 diabetes.
互联网Some are suspected of imitation brand - name merchandise, possible infringement.
有部分被怀疑仿名牌的商品, 可能侵权.
互联网At one time , brand - name loyalty and even buy - American loyalty genuinely existed.
品牌忠诚甚或爱用 国货 的心态确实曾经存在.
互联网Would they be dress shoes, fashionable boots, or brand - name sneakers?
是搭礼服的鞋子?时髦的靴子?还是名牌运动鞋 呢 ?
互联网Start with a brand name and find someone you connect with.
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