The adsorption process can be expressed by the Boyd equation.
互联网Dr. Richard Boyd is in private practice in Columbia, South Carolina.
博士理查德博伊德是私人执业,在哥伦比亚, 南卡罗来纳州.
互联网Boyd also acknowledged the challenges of keeping Rotary's ranks going strong.
互联网RI President Boyd salutes the Rotaract Club of Panama for Leading the Way.
互联网Boyd tried to palm off a secondhand radio as a new one on Crane.
互联网RI President William B . Boyd introduces his family during the kickoff of the 2007 RI Convention.
国际扶轮社长威廉? 白义德 在2007年国际扶轮年会开始的期间介绍他的家庭.
互联网Business jets are a very important asset for my company,'Boyd says.
对我的公司来说, 商用飞机是非常重要的资产.
互联网RI President William B. Boyd introduces his family during the kickoff of the 2007 RI Convention.
国际扶轮社长威廉? 义德在2007年国际扶轮年会开始的期间介绍他的家庭.
互联网Boyd is continuing RI President Stenhammar's emphases of water management, health and hunger, and literacy.
白义德继续国际扶轮社长施当恒的水的管理 、 保健和防饥 、 及识字等重点工作.
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