时装用品小商店,流行女装商店,精品店( boutique的名词复数 );
From working moms to teenage firls, these women seek out Anna's boutiques.
从上班一族的母亲到少女们, 都在寻找安娜专卖流行服装店.
互联网She went to a department store with multiple clothing boutiques.
互联网Traders may head for less well - known boutiques in order to avoid scrutiny.
互联网Now she has many boutiques around the world.
互联网Those who cannot afford the boutiques may one day throng to the knock - off merchants.
互联网The main shopping street filled up with pricey boutiques selling avantgarde fashions and design cookware.
互联网The legitimate control , have tags and are sold in boutiques or departmental stores.
指合法大牌专卖店出售,带有真品化验单, 标签,挂牌等的商品.
互联网Join Susan as she opens clothing boutiques in a variety of big city locations!
互联网Star - studded boutiques such as Greenhill and Perella Weinberg compete with banks in M & A .
诸如格林希尔和佩雷拉.魏因贝格之类的群星闪耀的小店在 并购 行业里与大银行竞争.
互联网Merger boutiques , such as Lazard and Greenhill, will emphasise their stability to pick up business.
互联网A host of watch boutiques have opened over the past two years in Hong Kong.
互联网Yes, on 4 th street, near the movie theater there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques.
是的, 在第4大街, 电影院附近有很多专卖店, 其中还有专卖流行衣服的商店.
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