
  • 释义
  • 倒置,底部朝上,自底向上;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Pluto will help you improve your life from the bottom up, gradually and with care.

    他将从头到脚地改善你的生活, 缓慢而谨慎.

  • 2、

    He promised to rebuild the nation, bottom up.


  • 3、

    I engineers from bottom up, at the beginning only technology, knowledge management.

    我是从底层工程师出来, 一开始只懂技术, 不懂管理.

  • 4、

    It taught me that true change comes from the bottom up.


  • 5、

    They will feel less alone and will help your services to reform from the bottom up.


  • 6、

    In a subsumption or web hierarchy, information and authority bottom up, and from side to side.

    而在包容或网络层级架构里, 信息和权力自下而上传递, 或由一边到另一边.

  • 7、

    The job will have to be done all over again from the bottom up.


  • 8、

    They made snakes of clay, attached the bases, wound them around from the bottom up.

    他们做出泥蛇, 然后贴到底儿上, 然后从底部一圈圈绕上来.

  • 9、

    The biological assembly technique aims atthe bottom up, atom by atom or by molecule.


  • 10、

    Simulations are bottom up; they are complex systems based on logical rules.

    它也是颠覆性的, 是基于逻辑规则上的复杂系统.

  • 11、

    And only the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up.


  • 12、

    Iraq's local leaders need to continue to improve conditions from the bottom up.


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