蝇蛆病;肤蝇的幼虫,马胃蝇蛆( bot的名词复数 );胃蝇蚴;
Determines if bots can only be running in hard mode.
互联网Product and vendor search ( shop bots )
产品与买主搜索 ( 购物虫 )
互联网AIM Bots cant be warned, and can appear online to up to 10,000 buddies at once.
AIM机器人不会接受警告, 并且能够向多达10,000个好友显示在线状态.
互联网Some bots have been defusing bombs for years, but none have seen combat.
互联网Determines, if all bots on the server stop function, while this variable set to 1.
决定, 如果所有的机器人在服务器停机功能, 而这个变量设置为1.
互联网It's true that 99 percent of these million bots are little more than glorified arms.
互联网Zoltan: I would really like Alice to be upgraded to one of those bots.
佐尔坦: 我真的很喜欢李翘如要升级,以其中一人漫游.
互联网We also observed other bots, but these are rare and currently under development.
我们也观察了其他的僵尸工具, 但这些僵尸工具比较少而且目前正在开发中.
互联网With most scanning worms, and most bots, a lot of the traffic will be directed externally.
互联网Lots of verbiage about why your run - time bots won't work on the destination server.
关于 实时 运行组件无法在目的服务器工作的废话.
互联网Call me old - fashioned , but for me, Bots are not proper replacements for human actors.
说我老套也好, 我还是认为“勃茨”是代替不了人类演员的.
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