Conclusion: The hemoclasis of ligustrazine, synthetic borneol were obviously.
结论: 川芎嗪 、 冰片溶血作用明显.
互联网A new preparation method of synthetic borneol and synthetic camphor is reported.
互联网The results thow that antibiotic activi - ties of iso - borneol and borneo.
互联网It is a yellowish and transparent liquid with the fragrance of borneol.
互联网Ingredient: Gingko leaf, wolfberry fruit , chrysanthemum extract a - pinene camphor , borneol camphene, etc totally 26 herbal essences.
主要成分: 银杏叶, 甘杞子, 菊花萃取液等26种植物草本精华.
互联网Tissue distribution of Borneol was investigated to study the influence of synergismand Borneol in healthy rabbits.
互联网To observe the influence of natural borneolcontaining d - borneoland synthetic borneol on gastric mucosal barrier.
互联网The contents of camphor, mentholum, isoborneol and borneol in Guanxingao are determined by gas chromatography.
用气相色谱法测定了冠心膏中樟脑 、 薄荷脑 、 异龙脑和龙脑的含量.
互联网Bornyl acetate was found as the metabolite of Borneol in rabbits plasma by GC - MS . 3.
同时发现血浆中产生代谢新物质,经GC -MS 法鉴定, 确定该物质为冰片代谢物—乙酸冰片酯.
互联网This paper reported physical - chemical properties, extracting process and exploitative prospect of natural borneol branchleaf of cinnamon.
本文介绍了天然龙脑的物化性质, 提取工艺和开发应用前景.
互联网An assay methods for measuring borneol and muscone in Tongshuanxingnao injections was estab ˉ lished.
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