钻蛀虫; 镗孔刀具; 镗床;钎;
Main equipments such as: large - scale vertical lathe, borer, butterfly valve testboard etc.
主要设备有: 大型立车?镗床?蝶阀测试台等.
互联网Ash trees can resist many diseases. But they cannot resist ash borer.
尽管灰树可以抵抗许多疾病, 却不能抵挡绿色的钻空虫.
互联网This poison helps the plants resist insects, especially the maize borer.
这种毒药有助于植物防虫, 特别是一种喜欢钻玉米孔的虫.
互联网What method can kill the borer in the tooth?
互联网This poison helps the plants resist insect, especially the maize borer.
毒素可以帮助农作物抵抗害虫, 尤其是玉米钻孔虫.
互联网The completed rate of raise borer is an important mark of measuring its operating efficiency.
互联网It contains genes that allow it to resist infestation by the corn borer.
互联网A new species of Glyptapanteles Ashmead Foerster attacking litch fruit borer Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley ( Hymenoptea: Braconidae )
寄生荔枝蒂蛀虫的刻绒茧蜂属一新种 ( 膜翅目: 茧蜂科 )
互联网Ash trees can resist many diseases. But they cannot resist the emerald ash borer bark.
白蜡树可以抵御许多病害, 但是不能抵抗花曲柳窄吉丁.
互联网Cryptorrhynchus lapathi is an important trunk borer of poplar and nationwide object of forest plants quarantine.
互联网The invasion of the emerald ash borer was first discovered near Detroit, Michigan, in 2002.
互联网The Motsoh ( Anoplophora glabripennis ) is a notorious Trunk borer, which eats the woodand settles in wood.
光肩星天牛[Anoplophoraglabripennis ( Motsoh ) ]因其幼虫钻蛀木材,是著名的林业蛀干害虫.
互联网Efforts to stop the spread of the emerald ash borer include cutting down affected trees.
互联网Dose the Wood - borer Sphaeroma terebrans ( Crustacea ) Shapes the Distribution of the Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata?
蛀木生物钻刺团 水虱 是否改变红茄冬红树林的分布形状?
互联网Digging is done by forcing the borer into the ground and twisting the handle.
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