Averting the disruptive extremes of boom and bust can help bring about long - term growth.
避开具破坏性的极端景气高低,将有益于 长期 的经济成长.
互联网Gold has become an all - weather investment, rising in both boom and bust.
黄金已经变成了一种适应所有气候的投资, 无论是繁荣还是衰退都会上涨.
互联网Boom - and - bust cycles are inherent in market economies and cannot be prevented completely.
互联网The economy lurched between boom and bust, culminating in near - bankruptcy in 2001.
经济在繁荣与破产之间逡巡不前, 在2001年几近崩溃.
互联网Haven't the rich always been more boom and bust?
互联网Over the years, I've seen entrepreneurs make three mistakes during boom - and - bust cycles.
几年来,在当企业由盛到衰的循环中, 他发现了企业家们犯的三个错误.
互联网But emerging markets are prone to boom - and - bust cycles.
但是新兴市场易受繁荣 - 破产周期的影响.
互联网You know that I abolished boom and bust.
互联网This new tool could be deployed to dampen the boom - and - bust nature of the credit cycle.
互联网It can continue its boom and bust cycle without causing great collateral damage elsewhere.
互联网Florida agents, near the heart of the real - estate boom and bust, are suffering more than most.
互联网Economic boom and bust were over; steady prosperity was the shape of things to come.
在这一美好的憧憬下,英国 高官 们对于正“聚敛”财富人群“恩爱有加”.
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