Edge – A bookmaker's commission . Also known as Advantage, vigorish and juice.
着数–庄家的好处. 亦称做优势 、 抽水率和水钱.
互联网Figure – the amount owed to or by a bookmaker.
互联网This type of bet is odds set by the bookmaker on unique and various topics.
互联网Advantage – Also known as the edge, juice or vigorish. A bookmaker's commission.
着数–亦叫做优势 、 抽水或水钱. 是庄家的佣金.
互联网Buy Price – In Spread or Index betting , the higher figure quoted by an Index Bookmaker.
在买让分盘或指数时, 指数庄家所报的最高数字.
互联网In fact, the behind s of each graduation design include the strenuous effort of bookmaker.
事实上, 每个毕业设计后面都包含着作者的心血.
互联网Extension – the amount of money the bookmaker potentially will lose on a game.
互联网Exposure – the amount of money the bookmaker actually stands to lose on a game.
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