The following few rules contain the secret of correct book - keeping.
《现代汉英综合大词典》Final accounts and the balance sheet are end products of book - keeping.
互联网A: I have completed book - keeping, typing, shorthand , computer studies and English.
我曾修读薄记 、 打字 、 速记 、 电脑及英文.
互联网You need some proficiency in book - keeping for this job.
互联网I don't know the first thing about book - keeping.
互联网This forces the handcrafted machines to use a more adequate and more time - consuming book - keeping.
互联网SH - EFC would provide whole financial service: preparing voucher, checking, book keeping, preparing financial forms.
为您提供一整套的财务服务: 制单-审核-记帐-编制财务报表-纳税申报表.
互联网Responsible for GL account book keeping and Perform daily accounting and Adm. functions.
负责总帐,记账和相关财务, 行政职能.
互联网The benefits of EFT include reduced administrative costs, increased efficiency, simplified book keeping , and greater security.
电子转账还得益于减少行政开支 、 提高效率 、 简化簿记并且十分安全.
互联网I haven't graduated from college, but I did major in book keeping in business school.
我虽然不是大学毕业, 但确实在职业学校专修过簿记.
互联网In terms of book - keeping this would almost double the public debt, but that is rather misleading.
就簿记而言,这意味着公债数字将会加倍, 但有一点误导的嫌疑.
互联网Other: Basic Book - keeping , on the course server and distributed with your orientation materials.
其它: 《基本簿记》, 可于授课伺服器取得且分配于课程简介之中.
互联网Thus, clarifying our concept of art is not merely a matter of dry , academic book - keeping.
因此, 理清我们关于艺术的概念,不仅仅是一桩干巴巴的掉书袋的事情.
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