
  • 释义
  • vt.


  • vi.


  • adj.


  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    We blanch almonds by soaking off their skins in boiling water.


  • 2、

    To Blanch Escargot: Blanching is the first step in preparing escargot dishes.

    如何将蜗牛焯水: 这一步是做法式蜗牛的关键步骤.

  • 3、

    There are places you can take physically handicapped children where staff don't blanch at the sight of a wheelchair.


  • 4、

    She felt herself blanch at the unpleasant memories.


  • 5、

    BLANCH : So how do the medical sheepskins work for the patient in helping prevent bedsores?

    伯朗什: 澳大利亚医用羊皮是怎样在防止褥疮产生上发挥功效的哪?

  • 6、

    Such questions make their advisers in the province blanch.


  • 7、

    BLANCH : How tough are these sheepskins and how many times could you perhaps use them?

    伯朗什: 医用羊皮是否结实耐用,大概可以洗涤多少次哪?

  • 8、

    Wash asparaguses and carrot. Dice asparaguses and shred carrot . Blanch . Then rinse in cold water.


  • 9、

    Skin the ox tail and cut into chunks. Wash and blanch. Let dry and set aside.

    牛尾去皮斩件, 洗净后汆水、过冷河, 沥乾备用.

  • 10、

    Blanch shrimp and rinse with cold water. Set aside.


  • 11、

    Cut the mutton into large pieces . Blanch and let dry. Dice the carrots and the radishes.

    羊肉斩件,汆水过冷河,沥乾. 红、白萝卜切成角形.

  • 12、

    Blanch bamboo fungi and Jinhua ham in hot water separately, rinse and then strain.

    竹笙及金华火腿分别飞水, 过冷河沥乾.

  • 13、

    Dice the shrimps and fish. Blanch about 2 minutes . Scoop them out and set aside.

    虾仁和鱼肉分别切成小细丁. 放入滚水中稍加汆烫2分钟捞起.

  • 14、

    Blanch all the vegetables and toss with butter. Season with salt and pepper.

    所有蔬菜去水,用牛油拌匀, 加盐与胡椒.

  • 15、

    BLANCH : What type of trial was conducted?

    伯朗什: 是怎么一个试验过程?

  • 16、

    Blanch lotus root slices in boiling water. Remove.


  • 17、

    You blanch almonds to remove their skins.


  • 18、

    BLANCH: And the results were what?

    伯朗什: 哪,结果如何?

  • 19、

    Slice beef Cut loong beans into strips then blanch them . Set aside.

    烧热平底镬,下油和蒜蓉略炒,再下牛肉片、龙豆、洋? 丝和青椒条.

  • 20、

    Blanch bean sprouts and pressed bean curd in boiling water. Drain.

    将豆芽菜及五香豆腐乾放入沸水中略为川烫, 沥乾.

  • 21、

    Politicians in both Europe and America continue to blanch at foreign takeovers.


  • 22、

    Blanch whole piece of pork in boiling water, rinse, then strain.

    五花腩整块汆水, 过冷河沥乾.

  • 23、

    Blanch cauliflower until tender but still firm, about 10 minutes.

    花菜水煮嫩,但是不要太软了, 大约10分钟.

  • 24、

    BLANCH : Can you rely solely do you think on the sheepskin to prevent bedsores?

    伯朗什: 你是否认为仅仅使用医用羊皮就足以防止褥疮的产生了?

  • 25、

    Blanch chicken giblets and discard water.


  • 26、

    BLANCH: And how dense does the wool pile have to be?

    伯朗什: 羊毛的密度达到多少才算合格?

  • 27、

    Blanch lamb pieces in boiling water for a few minutes, remove and rinse.

    羊腩件放半镬滚水内拖水数分钟, 取出,冲净.

  • 28、

    Pick rosemary leaves, blanch and drain. Place over ribs. Cover with a piece of foil.

    摘下新鲜迷迭香叶, 放在热水中烫一下即捞出, 放在牛小排上,再盖上一张铝箔纸.
