俾斯麦(Otto von,1815-1898,德国政治家,德意志帝国第一任首相);
Ultimately, Bismarck's revisionism scarcely affected or damaged British interests at all.
柯林斯例句Bismarck was still four hundred miles from Brest, and no longer even able to steer thither.
“俾斯麦”号离布雷斯特仍然有四百英里, 它甚至连这么远也行驶不了.
互联网Bismarck ruled Germany by a strong hand.
《现代汉英综合大词典》Very soon the Bismarck's fire began to tell upon her.
辞典例句By now it was known that the Bismarck was actually steaming in the wrong direction.
辞典例句I will send you later the inside story of the fighting with the Bismarck.
辞典例句The Sheffield gained contact with the Bismarck and henceforth held her for sure.
辞典例句Thus, Bismarck's dream obviously complex as war, war is a real incentive.
由此可见, 俾斯麦具有明显战争情结的梦象, 是以实在的战争为诱因的.
互联网Following the German victory, Bismarck held an historic meeting at Versailles, near Paris.
德意志人获胜以后, 俾斯麦在巴黎附近的凡尔赛召开了一次历史性的会议.
互联网Therefore, Bismarck's foreign policy had played an important even decisive role to the unification of Germany.
因此, 俾斯麦的外交策略对德意志的统一起了重要甚至是决定性的作用.
互联网As a private banker and intimate friend of Bismarck, Bleichroder was a famous banker in Berlin.
互联网The binding reaction of Bismarck Brown R and nucleic acid was studied by the spectrophotometric method.
互联网The German battleship Bismarck is one of the most famous warships of the Second World War.
互联网Fully laden , Bismarck and her sister - ship Tirpitz would each displace more than 50,000 tons.
互联网Bismarck finally sunk after being hit by HMS Prince Of Wales on May 25, 1941.
最后,“卑斯麦”号被英国战列舰“威尔士亲王”号击中, 于1941年5月21日沉没.
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