[地名] [瑞典] 比耶;
Last BIE with AFF to the slopes, enjoy the beautiful rainbow.
最后BIE带着AFF来到山坡上, 欣赏美丽的彩虹.
互联网After graduation, BIE is Economics fancy, become a first - line star, but AFF has become BIE broker.
大学毕业后, BIE被经济公司看中, 成为了一线明星, 而AFF成了BIE的经纪人.
互联网Both the BIE and transmission condition are transformed into the third boundary condition.
互联网Although they son living hard, but very happy, foster father of the BIE very carefully.
虽然他们父子俩生活艰苦, 但很快乐, 养父对BIE很用心.
互联网Bie said that the show who are looking for plug socket!
互联网The discretization of BIE is based upon constant elements.
互联网In addition , the natural BIE only contains Cauchy principal value integrals.
互联网As it is written in the board , it is called Bie Xie.
互联网The International Exhibition Bureau ( BIE ), headquartering in Paris, is the governing body of world expositions.
互联网With the development of China's economy, the cooperation between China and BIE has become even closer.
随着中国经济的发展, 中国与国际展览局的合作更为密切.
互联网In this paper , we used 3, 5 - Heptadienone and sodium hypochlorites to produce sor -- bie acid.
应用3, 5-二烯庚酮-2和 次氯酸钠 反应制备山梨酸.
互联网In this paper , we used 3,5 - Heptadienone and sodium hypochlorites to produce sor -- bie acid.
应用3, 5- 二烯庚酮-2和 次氯酸钠 反应制备山梨酸.
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