The conference also heard from Brian Dunn, chief executive of Best Buy, the electrical goods retailer.
会议还听取了电子产品零售商百思买(BestBuy) 首席执行官布赖恩?邓恩(BrianDunn)的发言.
互联网There will be around ten initial advertisers, including Starbucks, Virgin America and Best Buy.
最初将有约10家广告客户, 包括星巴克(Starbucks) 、 VirginAmerica和百思买(BestBuy).
互联网Financial reward: His Best Buy shares are worth $ 2.3 billion.
财务奖赏: 斯查尔兹拥有BestBuy公司价值23亿元的股票.
互联网Two of his children work at Best Buy.
互联网My, how it has grown.
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