besonders (German=especially) (德语)特别地;
用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质( be的第三人称单数 );在,存在;不受干扰;
BES building system has gained rich experience in dealing with the roof loading and water tightness.
互联网This work is one of the series , which studies the lepton identificationin the BES ( Beijing Spectrometer ) in detail.
这项工作是详细研究北京谱仪 ( BES ) 轻子识别的一部分.
互联网This paper introduce the components of BES DAQ System.
互联网A prototype of the readout electronics for BES Muon Counter is introduced.
互联网The Muon Counter is one of the important detectors in BES.
互联网What associations have to we crowd into those continue hours as mortal bes?
互联网The yawayh actor emits a lot of living bes magnetism on the screen.
互联网At the same time, it is also a German film products BES potential customers.
同时, 它也是百世德薄膜产品的潜在客户.
互联网This paper describes the test controller of the BESEMC Electronics.
描述BES电磁 量能器电子学的测试控制器.
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