基准( benchmark的名词复数 );
Berkshire benchmarks itself on how well its book value share outpaces the S & P 500's total return.
伯克希尔一直将每股帐面价值比标准 普尔 500成份股的总回报率超出多少作为自己的比较基准.
互联网Investment performance, or comparing to investment benchmarks, will not do it.
投资表现, 或者与投资基准相比较的做法, 则收不到这种效果.
互联网This gives us two benchmarks for the opportunity cost of capital.
互联网Global active funds have also beaten their benchmarks.
互联网The deal shatters the previous benchmarks for pitchers.
互联网You now have a couple of benchmarks.
互联网Regional Economic Development Benchmarks . Greater Philadelphia First . Pp.6 - 12 .
区域经济发展的基准》,费城都会区优先. 第 6-12 页.
互联网To avoid bad impact on performance, we track the latest kernels with dozens of benchmarks.
为了避免内核的性能受到影响, 我们用几十个测试程序跟踪内核性能,及时发现并解决潜在的问题.
互联网Challenge assumptions , processes , technologies and benchmarks . Regularly track all sales and inventory reports.
互联网All serving English and Putonghua language teachers should meet the benchmarks by 2005.
互联网It will be sufficiently objective using consistent benchmarks rather than constantly changing criteria.
互联网Numerical simulation resul ts on benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the hybrid strategy.
互联网The Fordham Institute, a think - tank, measured the same 18 primary schools by different states'benchmarks.
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