" And he's so devoted to Ashley and Beau that I always feel safe having him around. "
" 而且他那样忠于艾希礼和 小博,所以有他在身边,就觉得安全多了.
——飘(部分)The magnificent beau is dancing to the light of chandeliers.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》So how is her old beau doing now?'You guessed it , he's gay!'she says.
那她这位老情人现在怎么样了? 赫丁格说,你想都想不到, 他是同性恋!
——期刊摘选He was Maybelle Merriwether's especial beau , Rene Picard.
他是梅贝尔-梅里韦瑟的昵友, 名叫雷内-皮卡德.
——飘(部分)Beau: But Tamara and Geoff won't be happy if you don't go to theirs.
梅利莎: 那得看你[重]意思是甚麽.我表妹和表妹夫也邀请我出席他们的新年派对,假如我不去,他们会很不高兴.
——期刊摘选On weekend, I head over with my beau to catch a reggae jam.
——期刊摘选Max, according to Charlie, was the spitting image of Beau.
据查利说, 博长得简直和马克斯一模一样.
——期刊摘选EVery abundance Saturday, IT heads over with IT beau to catch a movie.
——期刊摘选Mary told her beau she was through with him.
——辞典例句He was Suellen's beau and he loved her, not me.
他是苏安琳的爱人,他爱的人是她, 不是我.
——期刊摘选Ever Saturday, she heads over with her beau to catch a movie.
每个星期六, 她和她的男朋友去看电影.
——期刊摘选SCARLETT: As if I couldn't get a better beau than that old maid in britches.
斯佳丽: 那个穿马裤的老女人以为我找不到比她的男友更好的人.
——期刊摘选As I stood up to walk out and began to pull Beau away, he wouldn't budge.
可是我起身要拽博走的时候, 它却动也不动.
——期刊摘选Beau was pulling ahead of me with his leash.
——期刊摘选The flowers make the room more beau.
——期刊摘选Beau Brummel was a noted representative of dandyism.
——期刊摘选This young man is a beau.
——期刊摘选He was Suellen beau, and he loved her, not me.
他是苏埃伦的情人, 他爱的是她, 不是我.
——期刊摘选" Her beau , nothing! He and his brother were my beaux. "
她的情人, 他和他哥哥都是我的情人呢.
——飘(部分)Bush and Henry Hager, her beau exchanged vows last night in Crawford, Texas.
——期刊摘选On our fourth visit, I was ready to bypass Katherine's room, but Beau had other plans.
第四次去康复中心, 我准备绕过凯瑟琳的房间, 可是博另有想法.
——期刊摘选INDIA: You needn't be so amused, look at her . She's after your beau now.
英迪亚: 你不该这么地开心, 看她现在来追你的男友了!
——期刊摘选If Beau can give an extra ten minutes, surely I can too.
如果博能耐心再待10分钟, 那么我也能.
——期刊摘选Our ambition is to give them a beau ideal of a welcome.
——期刊摘选Biden's son, Beau Biden serves as a captain and lawyer in the 261 st Signal Brigade.
拜登之子, 博拜登是261信号旅的一名律师,上尉军衔.
——期刊摘选Go tell Pork to hitch up the carriage and take you over to play with Beau . "
去告诉波克,让他套车送你到那边跟 小博 一起玩去.
——飘(部分)The case for discretion is even stronger if your new beau has his own switching costs.
——期刊摘选She appeared with her new beau.
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