韧皮纤维, (尤指)椴树纤维;内皮;
Trichophyton mentagrophytes activity of three different bast fibers - hemp, flax and ramie fibers.
互联网He is very hard - working and always does his bast.
互联网What is attached is past tense change for irregular vebs bast.
互联网Object To investigate the anti - Trichophyton mentagrophytes activity of three different bast fibers - hemp, flax and ramie fibers.
目的通过分析汉麻 、 亚麻和苎麻对须癣毛癣菌生长的影响,探讨麻类织物对浅部真菌的抑制作用.
互联网BAST - CZ s . r . o . deals in Objects , Manufacture as well as with installation.
互联网Bast fibers that are panted used early by mankind, is used in many fields.
麻类是人类最早种植利用的植物纤维之一, 广泛应用于人们生产和生活的各个领域.
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