Barcode Rotation - Standard and Anchor Point Rotation.
条码旋转 - 标准和定位点的旋转.
互联网Thought T 2800 Laser barcode scanner gun, cost - effective bar code scanner!
思维T2800型激光条码扫描枪, 性价比最高的条码扫描器!
互联网PDF 417 Barcode Maker also can output a barcode to a picture file.
互联网Cool Barcode Maker also can output a barcode to a picture file.
互联网Please present promotional materials with barcode for donation any Hong Kong.
互联网Bring the charity barcode to any 7 - 11 store and make cash donation.
请带同条码到任何一间 7-11 便利店以现金捐款.
互联网Please present the below barcode for donation any Hong Kong.
互联网Please present the above barcode for donation any Hong Kong.
互联网The barcode lines are distinct and evenly printed from top to bottom.
互联网Pre - sort and barcode your mail to qualify for substantial discounts on postage.
互联网Very popular barcode component software . 10.
互联网Specific controls include: barcode coding controls, barcode decoding controls, image compression control, serial communication controls.
具体控件包括: 条码编码控件 、 条码解码控件 、 图像压缩控件 、 串口通讯控件等.
互联网For example, data density 10 times more traditional bar code 2 - dimensional barcode has been developed.
例如, 数据密度10倍于传统条形码的二维条形码已经被研究出来.
互联网Thermal transfer bar code printing, labelling, Tandai, Liu Shuihao bar code printing, HHP barcode.
热转移条码印刷 、 标签 、 碳带 、 条码流水号印刷, HHP条码.
互联网Data that is entered manually, such as with a keyboard or barcode reader.
手动输入的数据, 如通过键盘或条形码读取器输入的数据.
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