Apothecary Society Messenger says: For the Banshee Queen!
药剂师协会信使: 为了女妖皇后!
——期刊摘选Old Banshee - class fighters armed with high velocity ship - to - ship missiles.
搭载了高速舰对舰导弹的 旧式 班瑟级战斗机.
电影对白The Pontiac Banshee is a concept car designed by General Motors and unveiled in 1988.
互联网When bell knells, when banshee wails; you know, the time is come.
丧钟敲响,女妖嚎哭; 你知道, 大限到了.
互联网The last lone Banshee pulled up and circled back.
互联网Banshees, Fast and Low : Hijacked a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.
战役模式: 劫持一架妖姬战机.
互联网Aspect of Banshee changed to provide Warshout and Exarch Executioner.
互联网A banshee, before I go on, is an Irish myth.
我马上要讲到的爱尔兰女妖, 是个爱尔兰神话.
互联网Spirit and Phantom drop ships escorted by Banshee fliers buzzed the dome.
互联网Reduced Banshee's slow amount to 30 %.
互联网My hands shot up to cover my eyes as I screamed like a banshee.
互联网Howling Banshee Exarchs get access to a pair of Mirrorswords, a paired set of power weapons.
狂嚎女妖军官可使用一对映射之剑, 视为一对动力武器.
互联网But why does the sound of a wailing banshee evoke the same response?
可是为什么鬼哭神嚎也会引发相同的反应 呢 ?
互联网Banshee keen, I wanted to tell her, they wail and weep, but they never howl.
我想告诉她, 女妖天性敏感, 她们会流泪哭泣, 但从不嚎叫.
互联网Banshee causes all of the enemy's creatures to have decreased morale by one.
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