Activity of compound bactericide is determined by biological method, synergistic action is judged from multiplicatin factor.
——期刊摘选Using biological determination method, a theoretical basis is provided for compounding and applying bactericide rationally.
生物学测定方法的采用, 为杀菌剂的合理复配应用提供了理论依据.
——期刊摘选Bactericide Chemical compound which has the property of killing bacteria.
——期刊摘选Surfactants used in gathering transportation, include demulsifier, defoamer , deoiler inhibitor, corrosion inhibitor, bactericide etc.
在原油集输中,表面活性剂用作破乳剂 、 消泡剂、除油剂 、 防垢剂 、 缓蚀剂 、 杀菌剂等.
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