And pressing the Backspace key deletes the character before the insertion point.
互联网Use the Backspace key to erase the date.
互联网The Backspace key is really an Undo function, albeit a special one.
退格键实际上是一个撤销功能, 虽然它非常特殊.
——About Face 3交互设计精髓The calculator has a backspace function, that is, a mismatched forward delete.
这个计算器具有退格功能, 就是输错了可以向前删除.
——期刊摘选Press Backspace twice to remove the tab and the space.
——期刊摘选To erase, you must backspace.
要想删除, 必须使用Backspace键.
——期刊摘选Pasting the value also pasted an extra space, so press Backspace to remove the extra space.
粘贴数值也将粘贴一个额外的空格, 因此按Backspace删除这个额外的空格.
——期刊摘选The Windows Calculator allows the Backspace and Delete keys, so you should try them.
Windows计算器允许Backspace和Delete键, 所以您应该测试它们.
——期刊摘选A character with no visible representation , such as a control charactera backspace, newline, and so on.
不可见字符.如控制符 、 回退删除符 、 换行符等.
——期刊摘选Backspace delay lasts about 0.05 seconds. If OFILL is set, one fill character is transmitted.
退格符延迟大约持续0.05秒. 如果OFILL设定 了, 则传送一个填充字符.
——期刊摘选Press the backspace button to delete your mistakes when typing.
——期刊摘选Delete backspace and erase one character or number entry.
——期刊摘选Experience tells us that Backspace does nothing of the sort.
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