
  • 释义
  • 反击;后坐;激烈反应;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The government says it is bracing for a possible militant backlash.


  • 2、

    This struck many Americans as undemocratic and helped fuel a furious backlash.


  • 3、

    After the proper backlash is achieved , perform Gear Contact Pattern Analysis procedure.

    在达到合适的齿隙后, 执行齿轮接触印痕图形分析过程.

  • 4、

    The unit has no backlash, low repeatable friction and very low hysteresis.

    该设备无后冲, 并且低反复摩擦以及低磁滞现象.

  • 5、

    In Asia, governments would be under pressure to cut fuel subsidies and risk a popular backlash.


  • 6、

    Yahoo's management suffered an imme e public backlash over the ue.


  • 7、

    Either way, the risks of a protectionist backlash against China would rise.

    不管采取哪种做法, 中国遭遇保护主义反弹的风险都将增加.

  • 8、

    The backlash will surely last longer than any bump in popularity gained by looking tough.


  • 9、

    If that happens, the backlash from Mr Obama's supporters could be fearful.

    如果这是真的, 那么来自奥巴马一方的还击将是恐怖的.

  • 10、

    Tackling him would provoke a bloody backlash of suicide bombers.


  • 11、

    Breakpoint back sewing, breakpoint resume, Backlash compensation function ect.

    缝制过程中具有断点回缝 、 断点继续 、 反向间隙补偿等功能.

  • 12、

    The accurrence is the replacement of the apparatdus , the backlash.

    其办理方法是调换轴套, 减小间隙.

  • 13、

    Many traditional economic powers , especially European ones, are experiencing a backlash against foreign influence.

    尤其是欧洲的许多传统经济大国, 正在强烈抵制外来的东西对他们经济的影响.

  • 14、

    After early acceptance among consumers nationwide, the backlash came.

    经过初全国消费者的接受程度, 反弹来.

  • 15、

    Chinese moves in the Caspian could well create a backlash, for example.


  • 16、

    The two companies say their plans were never affected by the political backlash.


  • 17、

    Yet immigration and the rise of Islam have triggered a backlash.


  • 18、

    RAO: The public was furious at the time. Did you expect that sort of a backlash?

    主持人: 当时大众群情激愤,你有没有意料到会有这么大的影响.

  • 19、

    Back in 2003, America's obesity epidemic was a hot topic, and McDonald's suffered from the backlash.

    在2003年的时候, 肥胖症还美国的热门话题, 麦当劳遭遇了重重阻力.

  • 20、

    After the proper backlash is achieved , perform the Gear Contact Analysis procedure.

    在得到合适的齿隙后, 执行齿轮接触分析程序.

  • 21、

    But there is not yet a backlash against the policy.


  • 22、

    The backlash a spike in nationalist sentiments in China this year, AFP commented.


  • 23、

    There was a backlash of intolerance.


  • 24、

    Under such circumstances, why wouldn't there be a popular backlash?

    在这种情况下, 为什么不会出现民众的反弹 呢 ?

  • 25、

    The government is facing an angry backlash from voters over the new tax.

