细菌,杆菌;杆菌( bacillus的名词复数 );
The AMEs produced by different bacilli have great diversities.
互联网Gram negative bacilli resistant to cephalosporins were between 17.4 % to 55.5 %.
革兰阴性杆菌对三代头孢菌素的耐药在17.4%~55. 5%之间.
互联网Tuberculosis is a respiratory infectious disease caused by tubercule bacilli.
互联网Objectives To observe how cere spore bacilli resulted in swallowing infection.
互联网Results and conclusion: Majority ( 54.2 % ) of pathogenic bacteria were Gram - negative bacilli.
结果与结论: 内科icu的致病菌以革兰阴性杆菌为主,占54.2%.
互联网Use morning and evening to thoroughly remove surface impurities and bacilli.
互联网Results Cerea spore bacilli were detected from the bacterial cultivation.
互联网The main pathogens were Gram negative bacilli ( 53.85 % ) and Gram positive bacilli ( 41.02 % )
病原菌以G- 杆菌 ( 53.85% ) 和G+ 球菌 ( 41.02% ) 为主.
互联网G ~ + cocci prevail ( over ) G ~ - bacilli in the blood specimens.
结论:血液培养病原菌以G+球菌为主,G - 杆菌次之.
互联网The percentage of Gram - negative bacilli kept stable ( about 13 % ) .
革兰阴性杆菌所占比例基本稳定在 13% 左右.
互联网Most of the diseases are evocable by bacilli.
互联网G - bacilli is the predominant in LRTI.
:长春地区下呼吸道感染患者感染细菌以G - 杆菌占首位.
互联网Conclusion Cerea spore bacilli can cause swallowing infection.
互联网RESULTS The Gram - negative bacilli were predominate ( 50.5 % ) .
结果病原菌仍以革兰阴性杆菌为主,占 50.5%,但革兰阳性球菌占39.7%,且有逐年上升趋势.
互联网Results: The common pathogens in CRS were fungi ( 41.1 % ), Gram - positive cocci ( 35.6 % ) and Gram - negtive bacilli ( 23.3 % ) . Non - C .
结果: CRS常见的致病菌依次为真菌 ( 41.1% ), 革兰阳性球菌 ( 35.6% ) ,革兰阴性杆菌 ( 23.3% ).
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