The proof of a spirit will not appreciably affect BAC.
互联网BAC has a broad spectrum of radiographic appearance, and could be easily misdiagnosed.
BAC的影像学表现多种多样, 很容易误诊.
互联网The BAC shaft grounding system comes in 5 standard versions.
互联网Do you know which factors influence your blood alcohol concentration ( BAC )?
你知道有哪些因素会影响血液酒精浓度 ( BAC ) 吗 ?
互联网Conclusion FISH technique is effective and useful in the identification of BAC clones for array CGH.
互联网In cases of multifocal BAC after resection, development of new lesions was observed in 4 patients.
多病灶的BAC病例在切除术术后, 有4例患者出现新的病灶.
互联网Then BAC - bentonite is examined for its ability to improve pure degree and color from sugar juice.
用BAC - 膨润土澄清蔗汁,研究其在提高纯度及去色率的影响因素及适宜条件.
互联网False – BAC usually peaks 15–30 minutes after a person stops drinking.
互联网Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel Complex : Thai Nguyen, Bac Thai Province.
太原钢铁联合企业: 在北太省太原.
互联网Ha Bac Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory: Bac Giang , Ha Bac Province; f .1976.
河北氮肥厂: 在河北省北江市; 1976年建成.
互联网BAC usually peaks 60 minutes after a person stops drinking.
互联网A swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac ( julia Child ).
在鲁·杜·别克大街上的高级点心店 ( 朱丽亚·蔡尔德 ).
互联网Truong Dai hoc Nong nghiep 3: Thai Nguyen city , Bac Thai Province.
第三农业大学: 在北太省太原市.
互联网In a man of average build, BAC will predictably rise 0.02 % per ounce of spirits consumed.
互联网The rise in BAC is more rapid when a person drinks alcohol with meal.
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