
  • 释义
  • 杜鹃花;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Deciduous shrub style such as azalea , daphne, etc.

    落叶灌木类,如杜娟花 、 瑞香等.

  • 2、

    The azalea is an ericaceous plant.


  • 3、

    Push an Azalea branch which is near the ground into the soil.


  • 4、

    The Hibiscus, Azalea and Oleander are some common shrubs.

    大红花, 杜鹃和夹竹桃是一些常见的灌木.

  • 5、

    The valley carpeted with azalea blossoms.


  • 6、

    Luxuriant Lin endless, and ancient trees, cypress green, alpine azalea Nanling bamboo, plants that, very enjoyable.

    莽莽林海一望无际, 古木参天, 松柏苍翠, 高山杜鹃南岭箭竹, 奇花异草, 令人赏心悦目.

  • 7、

    Beautiful butterfly orchid Can is like rosy clouds , blooming azalea machine lotus suddenly.

    美丽的蝴蝶兰灿若云霞, 盛开的杜鹃花生机莲勃.

  • 8、

    One lone azalea blooming brilliant red against the gray.


  • 9、

    Drag onto the page to add a deciduous shrub, such as azalea or daphne.

    拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶灌木, 如杜娟花或瑞香.

  • 10、

    Then you are being hilltop that red mountain azalea attracted bar!


  • 11、

    Camellia azalea is a rare plant which is in face of danger.


  • 12、

    Perennials like the azalea and forsythia bloom year after year.


  • 13、

    Deciduous shrub style such as azalea, cotoneaster, etc.

    落叶灌木类, 如杜娟花 、 枸子等.

  • 14、

    B : Yes , there had been the azalea, the orchid, the Chinese rose and the camellia.

    是的, 曾经有过杜鹃花 、 兰花 、 月季和茶花.

  • 15、

    Later that evening, I began pulling weeds from around my lopsided azalea bush.

    那天晚上, 我在那丛不对称的杜鹃花丛旁边拔除野草.

  • 16、

    Natural domestically produced import stone materials and so on granite, azalea , rose pink color.

    天然花岗岩 、 映山红 、 玫瑰红等国产进口石材.

  • 17、

    The mountainsides are ablaze with azalea, wistaria, and many other beautiful flowers.

    山麓上满是杜鹃花 、 紫藤花和其他美丽的花朵,真是花团锦簇.

  • 18、

    Later that evening, I began pulling weeds from around my azalea bush.

    那天晚上, 我正在为向一边倾斜的杜鹃花丛清理杂草.

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