All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye ".
请所有赞成这项提议的人讲一声 “ 赞成 ”.
——《简明英汉词典》Aye , aye , sir, I'll do it out of hand.
是, 长官, 我马上去办.
《简明英汉词典》Captain Henry swallowed his astonishment and said, " Aye aye, sir. "
亨利上校强压下自己的震惊,说: “ 是,是, 先生. ”
辞典例句Aye, aye , sir, I know your worship loves no holiday speeches.
是, 是, 长官.我知道长官不喜欢听奉承话.
互联网I thought,'Aye aye, hit it before he comes and clatters me.
我想, '埃赞成, 击出他来之前和clatters我.
互联网Och aye. I always liked him.
——柯林斯例句"Do you remember your first day at school?" — "Oh aye. Yeah."
——柯林斯例句The mother's breath is aye sweet.
——《简明英汉词典》Aye, Drink up, then, and I'll see you through the lock.
好,喝茶吧, 喝完后我送你过闸门.
——辞典例句Better a finger off than aye wagging.
——辞典例句I have the king of France's commission in my pocket, which would aye be some protection.
我口袋里有着法国国王的委任状, 也许这对我还起一点保护作用吧.
——辞典例句'Aye,'said he,'by thunder, but I wanted some o'that!'
“ 啊, ” 他说, “ 说真的, 刚才我就缺几口这玩意儿. ”
——英汉文学 - 金银岛" Aye, sir, " cried the old man, " and the stay and comfort of my life. "
“ 是的, 阁下, ” 老人叫道, “ 而且是我生命里的支柱和安慰呢. ”
——期刊摘选The king can be harsh and unforgiving, aye, but a babe still on the breast?
国王可以严酷寡恩, 没错, 但是一个还吃奶的婴儿?
——期刊摘选Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll live.
战斗也许会令你死去, 逃避后你却定能生存, 至少暂时能活命.
——期刊摘选The father walked away slowly by the fence, whispering to himself in a dry voice: " Aye!
父亲顺着篱笆缓缓走开,一边嘟嘟囔囔, 声音沙哑: “ 哎!
——名作英译部分Aye, the lifeblood of a city. It ebbs and flows the same on any plane!
海尔达利:唉, 城市的血脉人潮, 在每个世界都一样鼓动奔流!
——期刊摘选Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
是,在静默念着造化中, 你们还将在一起.
——期刊摘选Aye, there's the rub.
唉, 这就麻烦了!
——期刊摘选Wallace Aye, fight and you may die.
华莱士:对, 作战的话,你们可能会死.
——期刊摘选Better a finger off as aye wagging.
——期刊摘选XXXX: Aye , pretty good! people, food. But one thing is not good.
当然 啦, 非常喜欢! 喜欢这里的人和这里的食物. 但是有一点不是很喜欢.
——期刊摘选I think we've all arrived at a special place, aye ?
我想我们都到了一个很特殊的位置, 是 吗 ?
——电影对白Wulfstan: Aye, we heard the scream. Laszlo died right after , coughing up blood. Good show, lassie!
沃尔夫斯坦: 啊, 我们先听到一声尖叫. 紧接着看到拉兹罗口喷鲜血,当场毙命. 相当精彩的一幕啊,小女孩!
——期刊摘选Art thou gone so, love , lord , aye husband , friend?
你这就走了 吗 ?
——期刊摘选Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe.
啊, 那是一件很好的武器, 可以和任何敌人抗衡.
——期刊摘选Thy sharp repuse, that pricketh aye so sore.
——期刊摘选White , aye , but no brother of learning, no Catholic heart.
无恶意,对了,不过不爱做学问, 没有天主教徒的柔肠.
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