Unable to find a parent web from which to inherit authoring permissions.
互联网The authoring component of a web presence is what it would suggest: the wording.
网站创作的内容就是网站提供给用户的内容: 文字信息.
期刊摘选Describe Web authoring, including Web site design and Web authoring programs.
互联网The research in this paper is the doll form in multimedia about childrens education authoring toll.
互联网Specify whether to allow authoring on this server.
互联网With that in mind , the following steps represent an overview of the control authoring process.
互联网Authoring is disabled for this server. Use the Server Administrator to enable authoring.
已经禁用此服务器的创作. 请使用“服务器管理员”来启用创作.
互联网And authoring software has played a crucial role in the development of courseware.
互联网For more information, see Control Authoring Overview.
有关更多信息, 请参见控件创作概述.
互联网Portability: Since authoring tools are proprietary, your portability is limited to whatever they offer.
移植性: 因为创作工具是具有专利权的, 你的移植性以他们提供的功能息息相关.
互联网Authoring is disabled for this server. Contact your server administrator to enable authoring.
已经禁用此服务器的创作. 请服务器管理员联系以启用创作.
互联网You are using the % 1 authoring settings. Double - click here to enable or disable features.
您正在使用%1创作设置. 双击此处以启用或禁用某些功能.
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