These lath martensite first nucleates in parent austenite intergranular and twin boundary.
互联网A simplified model of isothermal austenite grain growth has been developed.
互联网There occours needle - type or M - type martensite precipitation within retained austenite.
互联网The induced martensite firstly nucleated in parent austenite intergranular and twin boundary.
互联网The interface of austenite and martensite is somewhat straight.
互联网The material quality is ASTM A 743 M ( ZG 00 Cr 13 Ni 4 Mo ) the austenite stainless steel.
材质均为ASTMA743M ( ZG00Cr13Ni4Mo ) 奥氏体不锈钢. 由于其一,它们的形状所致,在加工制造中给工件的装夹和翻身带来很大的难度.
互联网Furthermore, precipitate of Nb in deformed austenite is more helpful for DEFT.
Nb对变形奥氏体再结晶的显著抑制作用十分有利于DIFT,同时, Nb的碳氮化物析出对DIFT是十分有益的.
互联网Other than austenite, copper element dissolution is found in material.
母材区除了奥氏体组织外, 存在铜元素的扩散.
互联网A new way to fine steel structure has been developed. It is the austenite - ferrite - repeating deformation.
提出了细化金属组织的一种新方法,即奥氏体 — 铁素体区循环形变.
互联网AlN precipitation at the full austenite grain boundary would worsen the ductility of the steels.
互联网Melting Residual Stress is the main factor Causing Stress erosion damage on Austenite Rustless Steel's Structures.
互联网The failure of grid plate made of casting austenite heat resistant steel was analyzed.
互联网Effect of residual austenite on mechanical properties and abrasion resistance medium Mn white iron was investigated.
互联网The effect of chemical composition on mechanical properties of the austenite - bainite ( is other - tally quenched ) white iron was investigated.
互联网A new type of austenite hot working die steel added copper is presented in this paper.
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