
  • 释义
  • 耳的;听觉的;气味的;预兆的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Azimuth and elevation are important properties for aural presentation.


  • 2、

    aural and visual images


  • 3、

    He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.


  • 4、

    The opera was an aural as well as a visual delight.


  • 5、

    Aural tests are objective and can be graded mechanically.


  • 6、

    In the aural test the student listens to spoken language but does not speak in response.


  • 7、

    I'm interested in why he is arrested while resting in aural restaurant in the forest.


  • 8、

    This course deals with all basic language skills: aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.

    本课程涉及了听, 说, 读, 写这四项语言的基本技能.

  • 9、

    You can use these tapes as aural material.


  • 10、

    We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way.


  • 11、

    Aural an examination of English guides: How do get hearing part high marks?

    英语听力的应试指导: 如何取得听力部分的高分?

  • 12、

    The aural aspect will move into a new realm of three dimensional sound.


  • 13、

    This paper focuses on hearing aid fitting, verification and aural rehabilitation.

    本文侧重以助听器选配 、 验证以及听力康复为主.

  • 14、

    Most students regard aural comprehension tests the most difficult part of the English exams.


  • 15、

    Demonstrated an understanding of their partner's speech output . Did not need pauses to process aural input.

    能够理解谈话对方的语言. 基本不需要停顿来处理听到的信息,偶尔会要求对方停下来重复以澄清语意.

  • 16、

    Description: A system for the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli ( usually aural ) withdifferent frequencies and waveforms.

    描述: 一个同时应用不同频率和电波形式来进行多种刺激 ( 通常是听觉 ) 的系统.

  • 17、

    The aural assault on Britain's potentially troublesome youth is not the first.


  • 18、

    Aural thermometers an infrared sensor to measure the temperature of energy radiating from your eardrum.


  • 19、

    Fred touched his helmet to bulkhead, and listened, boosting his aural sensors. Nothing.

    佛瑞德的头盔贴在隔舱的墙壁上, 仔细听, 增强听觉传感器. 什么也没有.

  • 20、

    He used tapes as aural material to teach English.


  • 21、

    Instrumental teaching include: Piano, Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Composition, Aural and Grade Theory.

    包括: 钢琴 、 小提琴 、 长笛 、 单簧管 、 色士风 、 作曲 、 听觉测验及乐理等.

  • 22、

    Teaching by method of tonic solfa, students built up interval aural ability.

    以首调唱名法进行教学, 有助于学生音程音感的建立.

  • 23、

    These can deliver aural harassment via microwaves or lasers aimed at the target.

