
  • 释义
  • vt.


  • n.


  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The government'sfirst concern was to augment the army and auxiliary forces.


  • 2、

    How can we hope to augment our forces when our allies are deserting us?


  • 3、

    You should browse through these and augment them with your own list of readings and photographers.


  • 4、

    As such , a huge burden is placed on the central midfield to augment defense and attack.


  • 5、

    Friends often augment their recipe collection by passing around their favorites written on cards.


  • 6、

    Along with the augment of bridge span, construction control became more vital and attentional.

    随着桥梁跨度的增大, 施工控制问题也日益成为设计和施工中的关键而备受关注.

  • 7、

    Most countries depend to few extent on cereal imports to augment their own crops.


  • 8、

    Block and tackle: Combination of pulleys with rope or cable, commonly used to augment pulling force.

    滑轮和滑车组: 带绳索和缆绳的滑轮组, 通常用于增大拉力.

  • 9、

    When completed, Michigan Truck's flexibility will allow it to augment current Ford Focus production if necessary.

    当转型完成后, 密歇根工场的弹性能力将可在必要的时候增加现有福克斯的产能.

  • 10、

    In order to avoid the Augment of Root of equation, a simple technical method was proposed.

    针对剩余扭矩方程求解中出现的“增根”问题, 提出了一种简便的技术途径.

  • 11、

    To solve this problem , a new sample augment method, called generalized slide window, was proposed.

    提出一种新的样本扩充方法, 即泛滑动窗法.

  • 12、

    Medical materials on internet should augment rather than alternative doctor's advice.


  • 13、

    If he wants to advance, he will have to augment his forces still further.

    再要前进, 非再增不可.

  • 14、

    Both husband and wife go to work inorder to augment the family income.


  • 15、

    Furthermore, I will augment the sum to one million.

    还有, 我要把金额扩大到一百万元.

  • 16、

    These augment the fixation of the surgical neck fracture and also stabilize a greater tuberosity fragment.


  • 17、

    The combination of increased SVR and cardiac output augment arterial blood pressure, producing hypertension.

    全身血管阻力的增大和心输出量的增加导致动脉血压增高, 从而产生高血压.

  • 18、

    In some cases, she also use power points to increase the power of her lurk augment.

    在某些情况下, 她可以选择付出额外的灵能点以提高她的潜行强化能力.

  • 19、

    In some instances electronic noses can be used to augment or replace panels of human experts.


  • 20、

    The augment of the phase angle will also promote vacuum arc to go diffuse.


  • 21、

    Japan turned to gradually augment armament.


  • 22、

    Cities today are competing for the best talent that can augment the productivity of their economy.


  • 23、

    Along with the augment of bridge span recently, construction control became more vital and attentional.

    近年来随着桥梁跨度的不断增大, 施工控制问题也日益成为设计和施工中的关键而深受关注.

  • 24、

    To make greater, as in value, beauty or reputation; augment.

    在价值 、 美、声望上增强; 加强.

  • 25、

    The collectors always maintain a expectation to augment the price of their collection through auction.


  • 26、

    Probiotics are beneficial bacteria sold as dietary supplements to aid in digestion or to augment health.


  • 27、

    Many currently available drugs for treating depression, such as Prozac, augment neurogenesis in experimental animals.

    许多现在用来治疗抑郁症的药物, 像是百忧解, 就会加强实验动物的神经新生.
