Studies the density of the aluminum electrolyte system where NaCl asto substitute partly for LiF.
互联网My start went very well asto pass Robert immediately.
互联网Walk in the opposite direction as traffic and asto the curb as possible.
互联网He to the sky, asto suggest they had been killed by bombs.
他又指向天空, 似乎是说,他们是在空袭中丧命的.
互联网We might , for example, frame someone's performance as asto above average or good.
例如, 将人的表现用语言描述成“合格”、“中等”或 “ 良好”.
互联网S . Also, some companies began looking at buying desktop PCs, rather than laptops asto cut costs.
此外, 一些公司出于降低费用考虑,开始倾向于购买台式机而不是笔记本.
互联网Constipation should eat less acidic fruits, so asto add to constipation.
便秘的人应少吃酸性水果, 以免加重便秘.
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