abandon ship ladder 弃船梯子;above sea level 海拨高度;altslavisch (German=Old Slavic) (德语)旧南斯拉夫语;
American Sign Language ( ASL ) , success with or without speech.
使用ASL, 会不会说话都一样成功.
互联网Write function, seeking to find success, the average search length ( ASL ).
编写函数, 求查找成功时的平均查找长度 ( ASL ).
互联网Apart from this, we introduce several programs from ASL called by getdatanew.
另外, 本文对getdatanew所 涉及的部分ASL的 程序也作了简介.
互联网Describes the operation and matter needing attention of active servo lung ASL 5000.
互联网The major work and conclusions of present paper are asl.
互联网Compared with control , RP for ICT and DICT were calculated asl.
互联网It is suggestedthat Asl promotes the insulin and C - peptide secretion.
互联网It is certainly true that ASL does not have some of the features found in English.
互联网It is based on the assumption that ASL must be structured exactly like English.
互联网Asl struggled through the snow drifts , l about reached the lowest Point in my life.
互联网GSRP consists of two layers which are Application Session Layer ( ASL ) and Message Transport Layer ( MTL ).
协议分为两个层次:应用会话层和消息 传输层.
互联网Careful analysis of ASL grammar does show that it differs from English grammar.
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