
  • 释义
  • 职业表演者;艺人;<谑>(擅长某手艺的)能手;大师;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    She was a popular French music hall artiste in the late 19 th century.


  • 2、

    Yes, there is a course fee involved for the artiste training course.

    答:是的! 艺人培训课程是需要付费.

  • 3、

    Geraldine : Do you ever regret becoming an artiste because of what you've lost, like your privacy?


  • 4、

    He worked very hard to transform himself from a pop idol to an artiste.


  • 5、

    He's an artiste dedicated to the stage.


  • 6、

    Every artiste should learn to be like her.


  • 7、

    Now I am a pop artiste and how my life has changed.


  • 8、

    Is there a guarantee I will be an artiste?


  • 9、

    Lau: In your career of being an artiste, what is your greatest happiness?

    刘: 在你的艺术事业当中, 最大的快乐是什 麽 ?

  • 10、

    We increase Artiste awareness via promotions through Internet, print media, music and film.

    我们以互联网及其他不同媒体,包括电视, 唱片及电影提高艺人的知名度.

  • 11、

    A musician is an artist, whereas a singer is an artiste.


  • 12、

    Wu Zun : I never expected to become an artiste so I didn't like either much.

    吴尊 ﹕ 从来没料想到自己会成为艺人所以我两样都不是很喜欢.

  • 13、

    With his career taking off, this artiste has much to shout about.

    随著他的事业起飞, 这位设计梦想家也有很多令人[惊声尖叫]的作品等著问世.

  • 14、

    Who are the training instructors for the artiste training course?


  • 15、

    Among the artiste appear on our show tonight we have.


  • 16、

    Would you believe it is difficult for any female artiste to find real love?


  • 17、

    Queen Productions is a Music Production and Artiste Management company for singers, musicians, actors and actresses.

    皇后娱乐制作是一间集歌星, 音乐人及演员的综合式艺人管理及唱片公司.

  • 18、

    Wu Zun : I never expected to become an artiste so I did not like either much.

    吴尊 ﹕ 我从来没料想到自己会成为艺人所以我两样都不是很喜欢.
