RGD is composed of three amino acids, arginine ( Arg ), glycine ( Gly ) and aspartic acid ( Asp ).
RGD是 由精氨酸 ( Arg ) 、 甘氨酸 ( Gly ) 、天冬氨酸 ( Asp ) 三个氨基酸组成的序列肽, 是近几年来发现的具有生物活性的短肽序列之一.
互联网Takintg L - Arginine, L - Glycine and L - Aspartate as a raw material, used DCC coupling method to synthesize Arg - Gly - Asp ( RGD ).
以L - 精氨酸 、 L - 甘氨酸、L - 天门氨酸为原料, 采用二环己基碳二亚胺(DCC)法合成了Arg-Gly-Asp ( RGD ).
互联网Arginine accumulates extensively in some plants as a soluble amino acid.
辞典例句Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted.
大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸 、 赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出.
辞典例句Large amount of cystine as well as arginine lysine and ornithine are excreted in the urine.
辞典例句Production of L - [ 3 H ] citrulline from L - [ 3 H ] arginine was measured to determine eNOS activity.
37℃暴露5min后 测定L - [ 3H ] 精氨酸产生的L - [ 3H ] 瓜氨酸量来反映eNOS活性.
互联网HPLC method for determination of arginine hydrochloride oral solution was established.
互联网L - canavanine analog of L - arginine, is a natural non - protein amino acid.
刀豆氨酸是一种天然的 非 蛋白质氨基酸,L - 精氨酸的类似物.
互联网Arginine methyltransferase play very important roles in protein post - translational modification.
互联网L - Arginine: This amino acid is a precursor to nitric oxide ( NO ).
精氨酸: 这种氨基酸是氮氧化物 ( NO ) 的前身.
互联网Arginine is an amino acid, also referred to as L - arginine.
精氨酸是一种氨基酸, 也称为精氨酸.
互联网The adsorption of L - arginine on D 001 macroporous strong acidic resin was investigated.
互联网CONCLUSION: Arginine ibuprofen syrup were bioe - quivalent with ibuprofen tablets.
结论: 精氨酸布洛芬糖浆和布洛芬片生物等效.
互联网The nutrition and physiology of arginine and its effect on immunity and disease are reviewed.
互联网Fulvic minerals are naturally occurring. plant - derived substances that act as transporters for L - arginine and antioxidants.
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