argument 争论;argumentation 争论;argent 银;argumentator (a controversialist) 争论者(好争论者);
The inhibitory activity was monitored using a fluorogenic peptide substrate Boc - Arg - Val - Arg - Arg - MCA at spec - trofluorimeter.
抑制剂活力在荧光分光光度计上,用荧光底物 Boc -Arg-Val-Arg-Arg-MCA测定.
互联网Four gene polymorphisms were identified in exon 7. They were Gly 551 X ( GGC → GGT ), Arg 554 His ( CGT → CAT ), Gln 567 Arg ( CAA → CGA ) and Val 582 Ile ( GTC → ATC ).
同时在外显子7上发现4个位点的基因多态性,分别为Gly551X(GGC→GGT ) 、 Arg554His ( CGT→CAT ) 、 Gln567Arg ( CAA→CGA ) 和Val582Ile ( GTC→ATC ).
互联网RGD is composed of three amino acids, arginine ( Arg ), glycine ( Gly ) and aspartic acid ( Asp ).
RGD是 由精氨酸 ( Arg ) 、 甘氨酸 ( Gly ) 、天冬氨酸 ( Asp ) 三个氨基酸组成的序列肽, 是近几年来发现的具有生物活性的短肽序列之一.
互联网Takintg L - Arginine, L - Glycine and L - Aspartate as a raw material, used DCC coupling method to synthesize Arg - Gly - Asp ( RGD ).
以L - 精氨酸 、 L - 甘氨酸、L - 天门氨酸为原料, 采用二环己基碳二亚胺(DCC)法合成了Arg-Gly-Asp ( RGD ).
互联网This paper reports studies on the proteolytic conversion of the nonapeptidearginine - vasotocin ( AVT , Cvs - Tyr - Ile - Gln - Asn - Cys - Pro - Arg - GlyNH 2 ) by toad brainsynaptic membranes.
本文研究了蟾蜍脑突触质膜对精氨酸 - 催产素 ( AVT, Cys -Tyr-Ile-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg-GlyNH_2 ) 的酶促转化过程.
互联网Pro , Tyr, His , Arg in diploid type could not be determined.
此外,二倍体还未测出脯氨酸(Pro) 、 酪氨酸(Tyr)及精氨酸(Arg).
互联网The effect of L - NNA might be reversed by pretreatment with L - arg.
L-NNA的作用可被预先灌流L - Arg而逆转.
互联网It is benefit to add L - Arg ( 1 % ) on the basis of 1.35 % and 1.18 %.
互联网The coupling reaction between the difficult sequence Fmoc - Arg ( Pbf ) - OH and H - Pro - Trt resin was investigated.
着重研究了 Fmoc -Arg ( Pbf ) -OH与H -Pro-Trt 树脂的缩合反应.
互联网Nine mutations including 12 bp duplication , GGCATTGCCCGG encoding Gly - He - Ala - Arg were found in Bos Taurus.
在牛中发现9个突变, 其中包括编码Gly-Ile-Ala-Arg的GGCATTGCCCGG( 12bp)重复单位.
互联网The effects of L - NNA on sleep and MAP were reversed by preinjection of L - arg .
预先给予L -arg 可逆转L-NNA的效应.
互联网The default constructor invoked the no - arg constructor of the superclass.
互联网Antioxidtive Maillard reaction products can be formed arg inine and xylose.
互联网Results: TLR 2 Arg 677 Trp and Arg 753 Gln were not detected in the study subjects.
结果: 本研究未检出有TLR2Arg677Trp和Arg753Gln基因多态性.
互联网ARG 196 , lower cargo compartment seal slackened, emergency descent.
前舱门开了, 紧急下降.
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