存档( archive的现在分词 );
Click Start Archiving on the Control menu to begin archiving this broadcast.
互联网Check and arrange archival material, filing and archiving a regular basis.
存查的档案资料的整理 、 立卷与定期归档.
互联网Responsible for archiving and maintaining registration dossier related to the site.
互联网Archiving of school photographs, ensuring all are saved and named appropriately.
为学校图片归档,明确命名, 妥当保存.
互联网The tar command was originally developed for archiving data to tape drives.
互联网Documentation, archiving and organization of Long March Collection, archive and artist files.
长征收藏 、 文档和艺术家资料等的整理 、 归档工作.
互联网One is self - archiving, that is, to establish open access repositories.
其中之一是自存档, 即建立开放存取仓储.
互联网Archiving the document about metrology and validation.
互联网The database purging and archiving are complete and work flow is back to normal.
互联网They were printing emails for archiving and Word documents for marking up by hand.
互联网In the PC world, archiving and compression usually happen together by using utilities such as PKZIP.
在PC机世界中, 归档文件和压缩文件通常使用PKZIP应用程序来压缩.
互联网Meanwhile, disk capacities are growing exponentially, so the cost of archiving this data remains modest.
与此同时, 硬盘容量成指数级增长, 因此存储这些数据的成本越来越低.
互联网Meanwhile, by identifying, archiving materials will be more refined and real, and facilitate storage and usage.
同时, 通过鉴别, 使归档材料更加精练、真实, 便于保管和利用.
互联网To transfer data to files from archiving, or move data between operating systems or ORACLE databases.
将归档的数据传送到文件中, 或者在操作系统之间或ORACLE数据库 之间传输数据.
互联网Mammoth is a tape and drive system used for computer data storage and archiving.
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