
  • 释义
  • 大主教;主教长;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    In 597 St. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.


  • 2、

    In 1932, one Boston layman wrote to Archbishop William O'Connell in support of Father Coughlin.


  • 3、

    The Archbishop of Canterbury has sounded a warning to Europe'sleaders on third world debt.


  • 4、

    He denounced the decision to invite his fellow archbishop to preach.


  • 5、

    The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday hit out at public figures who commit adultery.


  • 6、

    The Archbishop began his address, thanking the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for inviting him to the Abbey.


  • 7、

    The Pope has anointed him as Archbishop.


  • 8、

    The Archbishop called upon the government to build more low cost homes for local residents.


  • 9、

    He thinks the Archbishop has identified himself too closely with party politics.


  • 10、

    At the coronation, the archbishop put a crown on the Queen's head.

    在加冕典礼上, 大主教把王冠戴在女王头上.

  • 11、

    The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the highest position in the Church of England.


  • 12、

    Yes , reading is about all you are fit for. Can you make it out, Archbishop?

    哼, 除了念念书,你就什么也不会了. 大主教,你看懂了 吗 ?

  • 13、

    Archbishop : The Maid wants to start fighting again.


  • 14、

    The archbishop attended the dedication of the new church.


  • 15、

    Do archbishop enjoy being played off their own alters, even by saints?

    要是大主教们被人赶出了教堂, 哪怕是被天上的圣人赶走的,难道他们会高兴 吗 ?

  • 16、

    The two missionary sisters have received their missionary crosses from the archbishop.


  • 17、

    And Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Prize winner, has said he learned to read through comics.


  • 18、

    What did the archbishop say about Dougherty?

    大教主都说了些关于多尔蒂的事 吗 ?

  • 19、

    The question is, what did the archbishop find ? '.

    鸭子还不停地 呱 啦着.

  • 20、

    Ninth grade, by a stroke of luck , I testedsintosmy current high school, Archbishop Moeller High.

    九年级那年, 我考上了辛辛那提市一所私立男校 —— 默乐高中.

  • 21、

    Mr Kaczynski applauded after the Archbishop announced his resignation.


  • 22、

    They belonged to the Archbishop of Narbonne, Arthur Richard Dillon, who died in 1806.

    假牙的主人是法国纳巴达大主教亚瑟·理查德·狄龙, 这位大主教死于1806年.

  • 23、

    The martyrdom of Archbishop Cranmer, said the don at last, grimacing with embarrassment.

    最后那位老师尴尬地做个鬼脸, 说,这是大主教克莱默的殉道士.

  • 24、

    Plan plan archbishop is south Africa leads a black to object phyletic and oppressive firm fighter.


  • 25、

    The unmistakable voice of South Africa archbishop, Desmond Tutu.


  • 26、

    Mirabell Palace, whose existence is closely associated with Archbishop, the ruler of Salzburg.

    米拉贝尔宫, 它的存在与萨尔茨堡的统治者-大主教紧密相联.

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