Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.
——柯林斯例句He had been as instructive as Milton's " affable archangel ".
他正如米尔顿那位 “ 亲切的天使长 ” 一样循循善诱.
——辞典例句The sky turns to scarlet and the lightning the sword of archangel the clouds too.
——期刊摘选The Archangel Tyrael has always been our benefactor, but even he cannot help us now.
大天使泰瑞尔一直以来都是我们这一族的恩人, 但现在即使是他也帮不了我们.
——期刊摘选Enoch allegedly walked with God who turned him into the archangel Metatron.
——期刊摘选His information was granted to him by the archangel Metatron, the patriarch Enoch.
他的资料是经过天使长梅塔特隆, 从前的族长以诺的许可而写来的.
——期刊摘选Erect, haughty , brilliant, he flaunted abroad in open day the superhuman bestiality of a ferocious archangel.
他挺身直立,气派雄豪, 威风凛凛, 把个勇猛天神的超人淫威布满了天空.
——期刊摘选Here we see the young man, Tobias , being watched over by the archangel Raphael.
这张牌中我们看到一个年轻人, 托拜斯, 他是由大天使拉斐尔看顾.
——期刊摘选One of their members could also have been overshadowed by this lofty archangel.
——期刊摘选His information was granted to him by the archangel Metatron, the onetime patriarch Enoch.
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