
  • 释义
  • 考古学的,考古学上的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Reconstructing the Mycenaean age is possible through archaeological evidence and through epic poetry ( Homer ).

    重构迈锡尼时代是可能通过的考古证据,并通过史诗 ( 荷马 ).

  • 2、

    Xinjiang prehistory age archaeology research work have got a lot of archaeological achievements.


  • 3、

    After the liturgical celebration Fr Alliata, archaeologist of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, explained the archaeological remains.

    礼仪庆祝之后,Alliata神父, 方济圣经书院的考古学家, 解释著这些考古遗迹.

  • 4、

    The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics.


  • 5、

    Archaeological finds have been made one after another.


  • 6、

    The work fills ( in ) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.


  • 7、

    Tourists have plundered all the archaeological sites.


  • 8、

    Most of the important archaeological finds in this part of the world have been discovered accidently.


  • 9、

    Archaeological department is currently actively main tomb excavations related to work on the excavation program.


  • 10、

    The use of excavated archaeological materials, weight of evidence is not good reasoning.

    利用出土的考古材料, 重证据,不重推理.

  • 11、

    The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal.


  • 12、

    The University will conduct an archaeological dig with up to 30 students.


  • 13、

    The sum total of these constitutes what may be called the archaeological record.


  • 14、

    Dating techniques Methods: Used to determine the age of rocks, fossils, or archaeological remains.

    测年技术: 一种确定岩石 、 化石以及考古学遗迹年龄的方法.

  • 15、

    The archaeological record is little help, but the main hypotheses have been luck, intelligence and aggression.

    尽管考古学对此束手无策, 但主流的猜测则包括运气 、 智慧以及争斗.

  • 16、

    Archaeological Finds in gray, red pottery, bronze arrowheads, ancient helmet and so on.

    出土文物有灰 、 红陶器, 铜箭镞, 古盔等.

  • 17、

    I'm departing tomorrow to speak to the Archaeological Society.


  • 18、

    Areas of industrial waste should be considered for their potential archaeological as well as ecological value.


  • 19、

    Archaeological finds have a diameter of 18 centimeters per cent milk mirror.


  • 20、

    An important application of shape matching technique in the reconstruction of archaeological fragments is imported then.


  • 21、

    Italy has declared a state of emergency at the ancient Pompeii archaeological site decay.


  • 22、

    I am sure this archaeological evidence will instigate much discussion and debate among Egyptologists.


  • 23、

    Recent archaeological work in Rome has boosted tourism asas 40 %, according to the city authorities.


  • 24、

    The Archaeological Survey of India ( ASI ) will also aid the BMC in setting up the project.

    印度考古调查队 ( ASI ) 将愿意帮助BMC来完成这个项目.

  • 25、

    Archaeological and historical valuables are beyond the price.


  • 26、

    The archaeological culture also improved these history development.


  • 27、

    Peru's most famous archaeological site, Picchu, has formally reopened after it was closed for two months.

    秘鲁最著名的考古遗址, 马丘比丘,在关闭两个月之后, 日前正式对外开放.

  • 28、

    Article 16 The procedure of submitting reports for approval must be performed for all archaeological excavations.

    第十六条 一切考古发掘工作,都必须履行报批手续.

  • 29、

    Here the environmental and archaeological survey data come together in intriguing ways.

