附件; 附庸; 附属物; 附录;
Appendixes dealt with the problems of China.
辞典例句Appendixes to a book are worth consulting.
辞典例句Two appendixes are affixed : Wuxi Gu's pedigree and chronological table. "
正文后还有两个附录: 无锡泾皋顾氏世系表和 顾贞 观年表.
互联网The key yeas ar Dating in many of the appendixes.
互联网They found that animals have appendixes for about 80 million years.
互联网The cellphone was sold with all appendixes so that you don't have to pay extra.
互联网Report revisions do not include authorization pages, indices, section general pages and appendixes.
报告校订不包括授权页, 指标, 区段一般的页和附录.
互联网The appropriate appendixes are retained in the smaller volumes, but biographical entries are dropped.
合适的附录被保留在更小的卷里, 但是传记的入口被下降.
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