
  • 释义
  • 特异景象;幽灵;鬼;(特异景象等的)出现;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    He saw the apparition of his dead wife.


  • 2、

    He said in his dream he saw the apparition of his dead wife.


  • 3、

    A harsh apparition ; tiny Midway was peculiarly set for air combat.


  • 4、

    At that amazing apparition, he made at first no movement and no sound.

    望着这个骇人的精灵, 他开头并没有行动,也没有做声.

  • 5、

    She claimed to have seen the apparition of her dead husband.


  • 6、

    Vanish in dark, the empty apparition!

    消失在黑暗之中把, 空虚的幻影!

  • 7、

    Natives were amazed at the apparition of this white stranger.


  • 8、

    Apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals, on a wet, black bough.

    这几张脸在人群中幻景般闪现, 湿漉漉的黑树枝上,花瓣数点.

  • 9、

    Of, relating to, or resembling a ghost, a wraith, or an apparition; spectral.

    幽灵的幽灵的, 有关鬼或幽灵的; 鬼的.

  • 10、

    The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.

    在人群中这些面孔幽灵般显现, 湿漉漉的黑色枝条上的许多花瓣.

  • 11、

    In my mind, love was something behind a tinted window, part apparition, part shadow, definitely unreachable.

    在我看来, 爱情就象那有色玻璃后的某些东西, 半是幽灵, 半是阴影, 总之可望不可及.

  • 12、

    Dean Corso: I'm the only apparition you'll see tonight.

    迪安·科索: 我是你今晚能见到的唯一幽灵.

  • 13、

    But the terror of this new apparition brought me to a stand.


    ——英汉文学 - 金银岛
  • 14、

    Venus is at the pinnacle of brilliancy for this current evening apparition.


  • 15、

    O : The power to live? Such a thing brought forth this apparition?

    生命的力量? 这样一个东西带来的就是这个幻象?

  • 16、

    Dean Corso: What were you expecting? An apparition?

    迪安科索: 你想要什么? 一个幽灵?

  • 17、

    You can steer in that direction, the apparition replied.

    你能往那一个方向行驶, 幽灵答覆.

  • 18、

    You as though youve seen an apparition.


  • 19、

    The entire pier, with a collective gasp, drew back at the apparition.

    整座码头, 伴随着一片喘息, 在幻象中慢慢后退.

  • 20、

    She saw the full body apparition of a little girl twice.


  • 21、

    I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter.


  • 22、

    We were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us.


  • 23、

    It was a sinister apparition.


  • 24、

    That pale face and flaming glance appeared to Villefort like a frightful apparition.


  • 25、

    The apparition of these faces in the crowd on a wet , black bough.

    早上,拥挤的人群中一张漂亮的婴儿的脸,霎那间, 云淡风轻,泉水笑.

  • 26、

    Predictably Jacinta told her parents about the Apparition and there was a general reaction of disbelief.


  • 27、

    He was visited by an apparition, a girl mysteriously resembling his daughter.

    他被一个幽灵来找他, 不可思议地是一个像他女儿的女孩.

  • 28、

    Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion , and the Knock apparition , statues bleeding.

    卢尔德的治疗,忘却的河流, 诺克的显圣, 淌血的圣像.
