
  • 释义
  • [昆]蚜虫;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The five small arthropod were still very serious pest, especially aphid, scale and whitefly.

    其中,五小害虫的危害仍然非常严重, 尤其是蚜虫 、 蚧壳虫和粉虱.

  • 2、

    The aphid is now laying waste to the wheat and barley fields.


  • 3、

    Aphid count on plants in fields do not correlate with virus spread in the same fields.


  • 4、

    In general an aphid cannot or hardly identify its host at a distance.


  • 5、

    There is adequate variability in plants to breed for resistance to certain aphid vectors.


  • 6、

    He used aphid fecundity data to elucidate the theoretical effects of antibiosis on insect population dynamics.


  • 7、

    Since aphid population may become resistant to organophosphorus compounds, avoid excessive spraying.

    因为蚜虫类对有机磷化物能产生抗性, 所以要避免过多的喷洒.

  • 8、

    Several other herbicides, including amitrole, barban, dicamba , and MCPA, alter aphid populations on treated hosts plants.

    另一些除草剂, 包括杀草强 、 燕麦灵 、 麦草畏和MCPA, 都能够改变处理寄主上的蚜虫群体.

  • 9、

    This kind of aphid height 2 millimeters, take the Japanese giant knotweed as the food.

    这种蚜虫身长2毫米, 以日本虎杖为食.

  • 10、

    The reproduction rate of teh aphid is influenced by nutrition.


  • 11、

    The aphid eat green grass, the false eats soul.

    蚜虫吃青草, 虚伪吃灵魂.

  • 12、

    This paper studies composition and characters of the aphid fauna of Hengduan Mountains Region.


  • 13、

    One kind of Japanese aphid and one kind of leaf spot fungus.


  • 14、

    The woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton.


  • 15、

    In which Aphid and leaflike are the dominant insects in spring.


  • 16、

    The pesticidal effect on aphid of the anaerobic fermentation liquid is studied by field experiment.


  • 17、

    CTV and its efficient vector, brown citrus aphid ( Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy ), are widely distributed in China.

    在我国,CTV及其强力传媒褐色橘蚜 ( ToxopteracitricidaKirkaldy ) 广泛分布.

  • 18、

    The possible causes of the formation of aphid host bio types were reviewed.

