OBJECTIVE To improve the synthetic procedure of antipsychotic drug aripip - azole.
互联网Objective : To optimize the synthesis of antipsychotic drug quetiapine hemifumarate.
目的: 改进抗精神病药半富马酸喹硫平的合成工艺.
互联网The use of antipsychotic medication, however , did hae an effect.
互联网Their delusions resolved without antipsychotic medication.
互联网Antipsychotic drugs, especially haloperido 1 and Thorazine.
抗精神病药物, 尤其是氟哌丁苯和盐酸氯普马嗪.
互联网She was diagnosed with schizophrenia, hospitalized for five months, and forcibly medicated with antipsychotic medications.
她被诊断为精神分裂症, 住院五个月, 并且强制服用抗精神病药物.
互联网Effect of Antipsychotic with Buflomedil Hydrochlorde in the Treatment of Negative Schizophrenia on Cognition Function.
互联网Clozapine, marketed in Australia since 1993, is an effective antipsychotic for the management of treatment - resistant schizophrenia.
氯氮平, 自从1993年在澳大利亚上市以来, 一直作为一种有效的抗精神病药物被用于治疗精神分裂症.
互联网Objective To study a safe and effective method for treating antipsychotic medication induced constipation.
互联网Naylor sought help from a psychiatrist and received a prescription for an antipsychotic drug.
互联网Some antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, and antihypertensive medications cause tooth stains, as can iron and excess fluoride.
一些抗组胺药, 抗精神病药和抗高血压药物也能导致牙渍, 还有铁和过量氟.
互联网Upon being discharged from inpatient care, she remained antipsychotic medications, but also saw an analyst.
当她从住院部出院后, 她仍旧服用抗精神病药物, 但是还看分析师.
互联网Some powerful dopamine blockers antipsychotic medications can lead to tardive dyskinesia - long - term , repetitive, and involuntary body movements.
一些药性强烈的多巴胺抑制剂会导致迟发性运动障碍 -- 一种 长期 的, 重复的, 强迫性肢体运动.
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