In addition to the antithrombotic and fibrinolysis enhancing effects, MPS possesses antiphlogistic properties.
除了抗血栓和促纤溶作用, 多磺酸粘多糖MPS还有抗炎作用.
互联网Actions : Antipyretic, antidotal, antiphlogistic and analgesic.
功能: 清热解毒, 消肿止痛.
——期刊摘选Active ingredients: Surfactant, plant extracts, antiphlogistic & antipruritic agent, antibiotic, natural perfume.
主要成分: 表面活性剂 、 植物提取物 、 消炎去痒剂 、 除菌剂 、 天然香料.
互联网Child how make expectoration easy, whether should use antiphlogistic drug?
小孩如何祛痰, 是否要用消炎药?
互联网Adjust can menstrual medicine eat together with antiphlogistic medicine?
调节月经的药能跟消炎药一起吃 吗 ?
互联网Voice agnail, take antiphlogistic drug allergic, how to do?
嗓子发炎了, 吃消炎药又过敏, 怎么办?
互联网On cure, but erythromycin of collect of profess to convinced, antiphlogistic medicine.
治疗上, 可口服罗红霉素, 消炎药.
互联网What does antiphlogistic medicine have bad, what side effect is there?
消炎药有什么不好, 有什么副作用?
互联网Can have antiphlogistic medicine eaten 3 days?
消炎药能吃过三天 吗 ?
互联网Can be antiphlogistic medicine treated have a fever?
消炎药能治疗发烧 吗 ?
互联网Which kinds of antiphlogistic drug should department of gynaecology drink after urgent clear palace?
妇科急清宫后应该喝哪种消炎药 呢 ?
互联网Can be the child's cold wants and antiphlogistic medicine put in the grandma to drink?
孩子的感冒要和消炎药可以放在奶里喝 么 ?
互联网Conclusion Herb injection " antiphlogistic No.1 " has certain therapeutic effect on acute dermatitis and eczema.
结论 中药抗炎一号注射液治疗急性皮炎湿疹有显著疗效.
互联网Despite these , it is bactericidal and antiphlogistic. It also allays a fever and relieves dysmenorrhea.
具有杀菌、消炎、退烧, 也能缓和痛经.
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