抗组织胺药( antihistamine的名词复数 );
Some antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, and antihypertensive medications cause tooth stains, as can iron and excess fluoride.
一些抗组胺药, 抗精神病药和抗高血压药物也能导致牙渍, 还有铁和过量氟.
互联网Cough suppressants and some antihistamines may help quiet an annoying cough.
互联网Antihistamines are the medications most commonly used to diminish allergic symptoms.
互联网Antihistamines or special baths can help.
互联网Others , including laxatives, heart stimulants, anticoagulants, diuretics, and antihistamines, act on specific systems.
各种特定用途药, 如轻泻药 、 强心剂 、 抗凝血药 、 利尿剂和抗组织胺药.
互联网Certain drugs such as antidepressants and antihistamines predispose to dry mouth leading to halitosis.
互联网Medications that can cause restless leg syndrome as a side effect include antidepressants, antihistamines, and lithium.
而服用抗抑郁药 、 抗组胺剂 、 锂等药物都能引发不宁腿综合症的副作用.
互联网In the past, parents often believed that pain relief from antihistamines and decongestant's was necessary.
过去, 家长往往认为,用抗组胺药和减充血剂来缓解疼痛是必要的.
互联网Cortisones, antihistamines, anti - fungals and antibiotics are the usual drugs prescribed by veterinarians for allergic dermatitis.
可的松, 抗 组胺剂, 抗真菌药与抗生素等是兽医通常推荐的用于治疗过敏性皮炎类药品.
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