
  • 释义
  • 防冻剂;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Fill the cooling system with antifreeze as a protection against frost.


  • 2、

    Antifreeze agents are necessary in emulsion polymerizations carried out at low temperatures.


  • 3、

    On their seventh wedding anniversary in 2005, she put the antifreeze in his red wine.

    机会终于来了.在他们的七周年纪念日那一天, 她把防冻液掺在李的红酒里.

  • 4、

    The antifreeze idea comes from an analysis of martian rocks and mineral deposits.


  • 5、

    DEG is used in antifreeze and as a solvent.

    DEG是 一种溶剂,一般用作生产防冻剂.

  • 6、

    Ethanol has many uses as a solvent, raw material , extraction medium , antifreeze gasoline additive and substitute.

    乙醇有毒,危害中枢神经系统,但对某些人是一种嗜好性毒品, 导致酒精中毒症.

  • 7、

    Therefore, the antifreeze protein to the Antarctic cod an amazing capacity of low temperature.

    因此, 抗冻蛋白赋予南极鳕鱼一种惊人的抗低温能力.

  • 8、

    New findings suggest that martian water contained so much salt that It'served as antifreeze.


  • 9、

    Choosing ethylene alcohol as antifreeze can meet requests of drilling work.


  • 10、

    An antifreeze a liquid that is added to water to keep it from freezing.


  • 11、

    Such measures as pipeline heat preservation and antifreeze increase are confined.


  • 12、

    They think the genesfor antifreeze proteins jumped from one species to another.


  • 13、

    Rapid test on the establishment of strong formula method to control the quality of antifreeze.


  • 14、

    In addition, the strength of the antifreeze solution can be tested.

    此外, 也可对防冻液的浓度进行检测.

  • 15、

    An antifreeze is a liquid that is added to water to keep it from freezing.


  • 16、

    But it was really diefling ( diethylene ) glycol, a low cost substitute commonly used in optimal bill ( automobile ) antifreeze.

    但实际上那是乙二醇, 一种汽车防冻剂的低成本代用品.

  • 17、

    Inhibitors of many kinds of metals in antifreeze were studied.


  • 18、

    The present invention discloses wild rice antifreeze gene and its coded protein and application.


  • 19、

    I really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this.

