
  • 释义
  • 突降法;虎头蛇尾;苍白无力的结尾;令人扫兴的结尾;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Barry's speech followed Dirk Bogarde's appearance, and was an inevitable anticlimax.


  • 2、

    Travelling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa.


  • 3、

    It was sad that his international career should end in such anticlimax.


  • 4、

    It was an anticlimax when they abandoned the game.


  • 5、

    The holiday itself was rather an anticlimax after all the excitement of planning it.


  • 6、

    Late in the Alexandrian period, Pappus'additions to geometry came as a sort of anticlimax.


  • 7、

    After all this, the bottle of wine inside the silk bag could only be an anticlimax.

    这一番隆重的仪式过后, 丝袋内的那瓶酒可能并非你想象中的那么令人兴奋.

  • 8、

    Before the listener knows where he is, the mounting tension is lifted in a pianissimo anticlimax.

    在听众不知不觉之间, 紧张气氛在最弱音的突减中被提升了.

  • 9、

    In fact, one of the most common game failures is anticlimax.

    实际上, 游戏最常见的失败之一便是渐趋平淡.

  • 10、

    After the fine performance in the first act, the rest of the play was an anticlimax.

    后性能优良的第一幕, 其余的发挥是一个虎头蛇尾.

  • 11、

    The circus act came as anticlimax after the big build up given by the ring master.

