I call him an antic old man.
辞典例句The clown came on with many antic gestures.
互联网Finish: gold, silver, antic silver, antic bronze, copper.
外观电镀: 镀金, 镀银, 镀古银, 镀古青铜, 镀铜等.
互联网Dido: a mischievous prank or antic; a caper.
胡闹: 一种调皮的恶作剧或胡闹; 鬼把戏.
互联网So we mixed with some antic elements. For instance, the obese bloomers and the large collar.
所以其中融入了一些小丑的元素, 比如说肥大的灯笼裤,大领子.
互联网Hamlet's assumed antic disposition; fantastic Halloween costumes; a grotesque reflection in the mirror.
哈姆莱特采取的奇怪安排; 奇形怪状的万圣节服装; 镜子里奇怪的映象.
互联网Moreover , Saito ( 1991 ) proposes extraposition to antic - command requirement, which seems to be violated in some instances.
认为某些看似违反 反 成分统制要求的例证可以用附加语外置的方式得到解释.
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